Decided to build out an autonomous land vehicle after work today, I purchased the pieces & materials from tinkersphere down town NYC. It's a fairly simple design, utilizing a circular base plate for main support, 2 separate motors (per wheel), a swivel wheel (for balance), an Arduino UNO (main controller board, also powers the servo which moves the sensor), H-Bridge Motor Driver chip (for sensor & motor control), standard prototyping solder-less bread board for routing power and data connections. There are 2 battery packs (currently 6-Volt), one powering the Arduino board which feeds a 5-Volt line to one end of the bread board distributing power, as well as another battery pack which feeds directly to the opposite side of the board.
The finished version SHOULD move autonomously avoiding obstructions along the way. Currently I am having what I believe to be a power issue, ultimately I didn't have any 9Volt power supply compatible with the UNO board, and after checking the rail from the 5-Volt lead, I observed only 3 or so volts actually coming through on the bread board rails utilizing a multimeter. It seems I will need to a 9'volt supply or modify an existing one to work. However I will pick up on this tomorrow as it was an after work special =).