
Greetings, and welcome to Dark Photon Consulting, we are pleased you would take the time to read what we are all about.

Information Technology is a field with exponential growth rates. Within the last decade alone, processor speeds, installed memory sizes, hard drive technology and signal transmission media have all evolved immensely. Where once, we were required to manually install our operating systems, apply security patches, configure applications and user preferences, we are now in the era of configuration files which describe the virtual appliance we would like provisioned. We once employed huge teams of computer technicians to monitor the health and performance of our hardware and applications with a birds eye view, we now have seamless integration between monitoring, correlation, and event management software, enabling autonomous resolution to critical events with little to no human interaction. We are stepping into the age of printers which materialize our homes from 3 dimensional blue print imagery, manipulation of genetic trait selection for the purpose of enhancing our food quality, and on the brink of interplanetary travel.

As our technology tool kit improves, and our reliance on digitally stored and transferred information increases, we must update our approaches towards management and consultation in the varying fields of information technology.


This is where Dark Photon Consulting and our wide range of services offered come into the picture. Here at Dark Photon labs, we have compiled a world class team of professionals over a span of 10 years. Our skill sets run the IT spectrum :

  • PC and Server Repair
  • Malware Removal & Prevention
  • Backup & Restore
  • Systems & Perimeter Security
  • Wired & WiFi Network Security
  • Infrastructure Life Cycle mgmt.
  • Process Automation
  • Technical Documentation
  • Systems Provisioning
  • Continual Integration
  • And More!!

Our practice is the dedication to providing professional IT services to all ranges of home and business customers at low prices.

Not only do we enjoy the IT life, we love to blog, check out our content where we discuss, physics, earth sciences, astronomy, biology, electrical and mechanical engineering. We <3 science.