Android Icon Collection
My Museum Exhibit!!
Computer History Museum: Close Up
Lunch Break?
Eye Candy
The Projector Room
The Road to calibration
Well Calibrated
Android Icon Collection
Android Icon Collection

Some "Eye Candy" I captured while working on the Google campus in California.

My Museum Exhibit!!
My Museum Exhibit!!

While touring Silicon Valley, I dropped by the Computer History Museum and actually setup my first exhibit. It's a custom built Liquid Galaxy system running the latest and greatest image. This was an honor, most people only visit the museum, few will ever create something that lives there for viewers to come. This is my version of making history =)

Computer History Museum: Close Up
Computer History Museum: Close Up

Here is a closer view of my first exhibit to be held in a museum.

Lunch Break?
Lunch Break?

Chef at Computer History Museum made this lovely Salmon meal specifically for the kid =).

Eye Candy
Eye Candy

Another view of the eye candy. It's so hard to not take a picture of this when moving from building to building in the campus. LOLZ

The Projector Room
The Projector Room

I went all the way in at the Google Campus on this one. This is a specialized custom Liquid Galaxy and was the main event of my silicon valley tour. Mission, configure a ROOM, 4 walls, a ceiling and floor, to be the display surface for liquid galaxy connected to a high tech Krestron powered projector system. THIS - WAS - FUN. Albeit it took 3 hours to complete, and the room got a little hot/funky, I was happy with the result, and so was my client, Google. =)

The Road to calibration
The Road to calibration

Here is an image of the Projector room I configured at Google California campus, at this point the calibration was slightly off and we needed to make some slight adjustments to the pitch.

Well Calibrated
Well Calibrated

We were done there, they were still in awe.