Floor Maps
Working Hard
Liquid Galaxy NYC
Water Tower Cafe
Water Tower
Lunch Room
Eat Here
Snack Rack
History Hall
Best wall on Earth.
Type Writer
Old School Sun Solaris System
The people have arrived
Floor Maps
Floor Maps

Just so you don't get lost.

Working Hard
Working Hard

IT Engineers, we work so hard. </sarcasm>

Liquid Galaxy NYC
Liquid Galaxy NYC

Getting this one put together is always rewarding. The people come to play shortly after.

Water Tower Cafe
Water Tower Cafe

Google NYC 5th Floor cafe

Water Tower
Water Tower

rear end

Lunch Room
Lunch Room

This is where Google throws a lot of it's parties.

Eat Here
Eat Here

Good place to find folks, go to the foodZ. A snack bar at Google NYC.

Snack Rack
Snack Rack

There are also snack racks, dispersed throughout the building, just so you know, you don't have to walk far for a granola bar. =)

History Hall
History Hall

Waiting room

Best wall on Earth.
Best wall on Earth.

Nuff Said.

Type Writer
Type Writer
Old School Sun Solaris System
Old School Sun Solaris System


The people have arrived
The people have arrived