Albert Einstein is world famous for his theory of mass energy equivalence, E=MC2. Simply put stating that there is a universal proportional equivalence when dealing with matter and energy. We are literally living in a world constructed by energy, and sustained by energy, we are literally energy beings living in an energy universe. We spend a lifetime, storing energy, consuming energy, and manipulating energy.
I spent a great deal of my later years working with the manipulation of energy, specifically electrical energy. In a world where mutual repulsion is relied on so heavily, I find it an honor to learn it's inner workings and caveats.
In this experiment, I ran a simple but interesting proof of concept to the ideology that this world is constructed of energy. If so, then energy should be easily (or not so easily) extracted from some interesting places. We are familiar with Wind , Wave, Geothermal, and Energy, but what about energy that is within biomass? How easily can we harness electricity from say... a lemon?
Surprisingly, there isn't to much required to extracting electricity from a lemon, primarily because the high levels of citric acids will do most of the hard work for us. What we also will require is a few pennies (copper electrode), and few roofing nails (Zinc electrode).
You will notice that the copper pennies are connected to a zinc nail via an alligator clip and some lead wiring. Our Final leads are connected to a multimeter set to measure the voltage generated by the lemons (1 1/2 lemons). The concept here is simple, the acid present in the lemon when in contact with the Zinc, liberates electrons from the zinc atoms. As these particles are freed from their atomic grip, mutual repulsion forces them to move along the connected leads looking for a new atom to bond to, moving along the wire connecting and disconnecting to the intermediary atoms along the way, and through to the copper electrode. The force generated which motives these electrons to move, mutual repulsion, is the force responsible for electrical current. As these electrons are in motion, it can be clearly be seen, we have generated approximately 2.1 volts of steady current from 1.5 lemons.
-- Peace